Teen Lounge

Teens and adolescents can come to the lounge to play ping-pong, foosball, air hockey, or video games, or just relax

The Teen Lounge is available for children ages 9 and up who are included in a family membership. The Teen Lounge is a place for homework and hanging out during the guardian’s visit to The Club. The Teen Lounge is unsupervised and is checked on periodically by our staff.

Children between the ages of 9 to 12 must follow the regular check-in procedures and parental consent must be given to child care staff before entering the Teen Lounge. Once in the lounge, children must not leave until a parent returns for pick-up.



Where teens can watch a movie or do their homework



Air Hockey | Foosball | Xbox | Basketball

It is up to the parents’ discretion whether their child should be left in the Teen Lounge. Parents are responsible for their child’s behavior and any resulting property damage while in the Teen Lounge.

Explore our Teen Lounge